Alright, so far I've written in character, as it were, with hints of truth. After the day that I had today, I've decided, for at least one post, to let that down. This post is all me and it is probably more open and honest that I've been with most people. Ever.
I've been in therapy for a couple of months, about the duration of the current school year. I've been doing this through the school after I decided that, simply put, I needed to. The exact reasons why involves things I will probably never mention here.
Usually, the schools lets you see one of their psychologists for about 6 weeks, ish, before reccomending a shrink outside of the school. This is completely understandable, since they don't want the department to get clogged and allow for everyone to get the help they need. However, the psychologist or psychatrist or whatever I saw was actually an extern working twoards his doctorate. Because of this, he was allowed to see me for the duration of the recent school year. As it has come to a close, he brought up the possibility of continuining our sessions together, something I wanted to happen since I trust him and I know he can help me. This would instead take place at his school, instead of mine, since his externship will be ending. This would cost me some money, but I was fine with that. He just had to run it by my school to make sure that everything was fine, which, at the time, was a bit rediclious, since it was my desecion anyway.
They said no.
My school, said no. They did not want to create a situation where someone would be able to continue seeing the same individual after their normal time in the school's program was done. Even if the person in question wasn't even in their program anymore. They went so far as to talk to his school to make sure it would not happen.
My school, which my family and I pay for so I can get an education, said no. They would rather keep from causing themselves a problem further down the line than allowing me to do what I think is best for me.
They did not consult me, they did not ask me, they did not want to.
To them, I am a peice of paper. A file and a check. Nothing more.
They made the desecion based on what would be best for them. Not my well being. Theirs.
They, nor anyone else have no business whatsoever in making this desecion. It is my descion. Mine and only mine.
I am disgusted, offened, enraged and a whole lot of other words over this. It is a very hard thing to put into words.
There is a very big part of me that simply wants to leave my school entirely right now.
Now, I'm sure the arugment of, "the school is a business, too," could come into play. But it means shit. Literally, shit. I am not a business. I am not part of a business.
I have been slapped in the face. And goddamn am I going to kick and scream about it.
People I Could Probably Take In A Fight
I know my last posts have been angry in nature, but screw you. My blog, my posts.
People Who I Think I Can Take in a Fight and Want to Actually Fight -
The Elderly - All at once.
People who wear "Don't Piss Me Off - I'm Running Out of Places to Hide the Bodies" t-shirts.
Brian Doyle Murray
Famous Amos
The Guys who Wrote - "The Macerna" - orignal and remix
Whoever Cancelled "Firefly"
Whoever Cancelled "Angel"
The Grimace
Jamie Kennedy
People Who I Could Take in a Fight and Want to for Sport and Competition
Harold Ramis
Morbidly Obese Men - Non-Russian
Kal Penn
Nick Frost
Dana Snyder
Dana Carvey
People I Just Know I Could Take in a Fight, But Have no Current Reason To
Ryan Seacrest
Shaq - Dance Fight only
Kevin Federline - Dance Fight only
Cheif Wahoo McDaniel
My Girlfriend
Mini-Rant 5000!
Why the fuck do women with stollers need t constantly move them back and forth when they're just standing still? Is it like "Speed" where the kid will explode if they stop moving? Or is the stoller just empty and you just like making people trip and fall worrying they're gonna fall on top of a baby?
People Who I Think I Can Take in a Fight and Want to Actually Fight -
The Elderly - All at once.
People who wear "Don't Piss Me Off - I'm Running Out of Places to Hide the Bodies" t-shirts.
Brian Doyle Murray
Famous Amos
The Guys who Wrote - "The Macerna" - orignal and remix
Whoever Cancelled "Firefly"
Whoever Cancelled "Angel"
The Grimace
Jamie Kennedy
People Who I Could Take in a Fight and Want to for Sport and Competition
Harold Ramis
Morbidly Obese Men - Non-Russian
Kal Penn
Nick Frost
Dana Snyder
Dana Carvey
People I Just Know I Could Take in a Fight, But Have no Current Reason To
Ryan Seacrest
Shaq - Dance Fight only
Kevin Federline - Dance Fight only
Cheif Wahoo McDaniel
My Girlfriend
Mini-Rant 5000!
Why the fuck do women with stollers need t constantly move them back and forth when they're just standing still? Is it like "Speed" where the kid will explode if they stop moving? Or is the stoller just empty and you just like making people trip and fall worrying they're gonna fall on top of a baby?
Why I Hate Old People: An Essay
The old saying of "Respect your Elders," is, in my opnion, dumb as hell. Why? I'll tell you why.
Firstly, the elderly are the most annoying group of people that at least I have to deal with on a daily basis. Going to school, going to work, going to the grocery store, I have to deal with them.
Example - The Grocery Store
What's that? You can't reach the cat food cans, so you need to use a stick that you hit people with "accidentally"? Oh, don't worry, I'm fine with moving three steps a minute because I can't get around you and your cart, which you BROUGHT FROM HOME. Go ahead, find the coup you need in your coupon purse. I think it's behind the ones that expired three years ago. No, I'm not inconvienced, it's not like you can't order groceris online. Oh, you don't know what that even means, do you? That's so cute.
Example 2 - The Bus
Oh, hi every old lady ever. It's nice to see you taking up every seat ever because you're too fragile to stand. Don't worry, the driver will extend the platform so you don't have to walk down three stairs carrying your oxygen tank. It's not you're old, rich and alone and can't afford to take a cab. I'm sure you're supporting other people and need to take the bus for economic reasons.
Now, with these two examples, I wanted to give everyone a little insight as to why I hate old people. Let me break it down into a few bullet points for the people who didn't understand it the first time.
-If you're too fragile to stand on the bus as it moves, don't take the bus. That should be a test to get on the bus in the first place. Exceptions made for those who have a legitimate reason for not being able to stand. Except for fatties.
-Just because you're old, that doesn't mean you get to let yourself go around uneducated. Get a computer, hire someone to teach you how to use it. It's a TV with a typewriter.
-Get out of my way, old people. That one's simple.
Listen, it breaks down like this. I'll respect my elders when they respect everyone else. Just because you've managed to last this long, doesn't mean you get to be an asshole to everyone. I'll give you my seat on the bus, if you ask poleitly like an actual human. If you decide that the proper way to ask is to stand there and look at me all angry and wrinkly. And for God's sake, politics is more than social security. Don't be so fucking selfish.
Let's face it folks, old people are slow, willfully ignorant and most of them are racist a lil bit. Old people, this is your last warning, shape up, or ship out. To Florida.
Firstly, the elderly are the most annoying group of people that at least I have to deal with on a daily basis. Going to school, going to work, going to the grocery store, I have to deal with them.
Example - The Grocery Store
What's that? You can't reach the cat food cans, so you need to use a stick that you hit people with "accidentally"? Oh, don't worry, I'm fine with moving three steps a minute because I can't get around you and your cart, which you BROUGHT FROM HOME. Go ahead, find the coup you need in your coupon purse. I think it's behind the ones that expired three years ago. No, I'm not inconvienced, it's not like you can't order groceris online. Oh, you don't know what that even means, do you? That's so cute.
Example 2 - The Bus
Oh, hi every old lady ever. It's nice to see you taking up every seat ever because you're too fragile to stand. Don't worry, the driver will extend the platform so you don't have to walk down three stairs carrying your oxygen tank. It's not you're old, rich and alone and can't afford to take a cab. I'm sure you're supporting other people and need to take the bus for economic reasons.
Now, with these two examples, I wanted to give everyone a little insight as to why I hate old people. Let me break it down into a few bullet points for the people who didn't understand it the first time.
-If you're too fragile to stand on the bus as it moves, don't take the bus. That should be a test to get on the bus in the first place. Exceptions made for those who have a legitimate reason for not being able to stand. Except for fatties.
-Just because you're old, that doesn't mean you get to let yourself go around uneducated. Get a computer, hire someone to teach you how to use it. It's a TV with a typewriter.
-Get out of my way, old people. That one's simple.
Listen, it breaks down like this. I'll respect my elders when they respect everyone else. Just because you've managed to last this long, doesn't mean you get to be an asshole to everyone. I'll give you my seat on the bus, if you ask poleitly like an actual human. If you decide that the proper way to ask is to stand there and look at me all angry and wrinkly. And for God's sake, politics is more than social security. Don't be so fucking selfish.
Let's face it folks, old people are slow, willfully ignorant and most of them are racist a lil bit. Old people, this is your last warning, shape up, or ship out. To Florida.
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