
People I Could Probably Take In A Fight

I know my last posts have been angry in nature, but screw you. My blog, my posts.

People Who I Think I Can Take in a Fight and Want to Actually Fight -

The Elderly - All at once.

People who wear "Don't Piss Me Off - I'm Running Out of Places to Hide the Bodies" t-shirts.

Brian Doyle Murray

Famous Amos

The Guys who Wrote - "The Macerna" - orignal and remix

Whoever Cancelled "Firefly"

Whoever Cancelled "Angel"

The Grimace


Jamie Kennedy

People Who I Could Take in a Fight and Want to for Sport and Competition

Harold Ramis

Morbidly Obese Men - Non-Russian

Kal Penn

Nick Frost

Dana Snyder

Dana Carvey

People I Just Know I Could Take in a Fight, But Have no Current Reason To

Ryan Seacrest

Shaq - Dance Fight only

Kevin Federline - Dance Fight only

Cheif Wahoo McDaniel

My Girlfriend

Mini-Rant 5000!

Why the fuck do women with stollers need t constantly move them back and forth when they're just standing still? Is it like "Speed" where the kid will explode if they stop moving? Or is the stoller just empty and you just like making people trip and fall worrying they're gonna fall on top of a baby?


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