I'm sure you're already thinking to yourself, "Food? But how can what we eat be considered nerdy or not nerdy? Tell us please!" Hold on now, kids. Daddy doesn't like to be rushed. You'll know what you need to know when you need to know it. God, impatient bastards.
Anyway, nerd food can be broken down to several different categories, based on time of day and need.To keep things as simple as possible, we'll just go through a standard day.
What many call the most important meal of the day, breakfast sets the tone for the rest of the day, so you better eat right. The nerd choice is simple and obvious. cereal and milk. Delecious. A perfect combonation of the two will give you the energy and deleciousness you need to get through your day.
But what cereal should you eat? Such is a question that has plauged mankind for all of mankind. The answer, dear readers, is simple.

This man is your answer. Whether with peanut butter or some kind of twisted berry type thingy, you can do no wrong with the Cap'n. And don't you dare spell it any other way.
Now, to me, lunch is just as important as breakfast ever could be. Lunch is giving you the energy that you need to get through work, class, or naptime. For a lot of people, myself included, lunch is the biggest meal for those very reasons.
Fortunately, lunch is the meal with the most options as well. Burgers, pasta, more Cap'n Crunch, almost anything is acceptable lunch food. But what is acceptable nerd lunch food?

The sandwich.
Simple, but with so many possibilities. PB&J, tuna, chicken, chicken salad, ham, turkey, my god the possibilities. My pick? Chicken or Turkey Club.
The finale of your day, dinner is usually reserved for families and/or friends and/or life partners get together and spend "quality time." Dinner isn't that big of a deal in the eyes of a nerd. It doesn't need to be that big, since you don't need as much energy from your meal, so hold off from a huge feast. But still, relax, indulge, it's the end of the day.
Now, this one, I will let you go on your own with. Dinner is and should be about relaxtion, keep it that way. but I'll still give you my pick, which is, of course, the best of all.

Chicken cesar salad. Made fresh, perferably, complete with fresh parmesan on top. Nothing tops it, children. Delecious, healthy, and delecious.
There is it children, you food for your nerd life. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Mike, wait, about snacks and drinks? We can't go without snacks and drinks!"
Shut up, snacks and drinks are coming. Drinks and snacks are actually far more complicated than your meals. There's gonna be charts. And math. So quiet down. Damn harpies.
Until next time, eat well and level up.
Semper pi.
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