
What's it all about?

Hello, my name is Mike. And I am a nerd.

I look nerdy, think nerdy, eat nerdy, hell, I probably breathe neady. My choices in music, movies, games, the books I read, yeah, all nerdy. And you know what? I'm the best blog that's ever happened to you.

I'm happy to say we're finally in the era in which nerds are truly appreciated and understood, mostly. Nerds are now treasured for the smae things for which we were ostracized for in elementrary, middle and high school are now the traits for which we are treasured for. Suck it, jocks.

Here, with this very blog which I'm sure you've just added to your favorites list, I will attempt the initaite the uninitiated. Somehow, someway, somewhere, I will let the non-nerds gain nerd sensibilities, nerd perspectives, nerd tastes. Hell, you'll probably be reading comic books by the time I'm done with all of you. And you'll like it damnit.

So, welcome to nerd bootcamp. Here, I'll give you news, reviews, editorials and one helluva viewpoint. Now, drop and give me twenty, soldier.

Semper pi.

1 comment:

Ashley Kirwan said...

Ya know Mike, I truly love your way with words and I am looking forward to reading your blogs. If they are anything like the white and nerdy show you will have the most popular blog in the class... if not the world! You have a great tone and the nerd thing is totally working for you. Keep up the good work.