So, about a month ago Capcom, maker of great games like Dead Rising and the Mega Man series, announced that Devil May Cry 4, the next in their high-selling franchise of hack-and-slash games, will be going cross-console for the first time ever. Formerly a PS# exclusive, DMC4 will now be seen on the XBox 360.
Despite the face that previous version of DMC also appeared on the PC, the reaction to the news from "Capcom-Loyalists" went as followed.
They pissed their pants. And holy fuck is that funny. You see, the "Capcom-Loyalists" are in fact "Sony-Loyalists." These are the people who spent upwards of $600, American, on a PS3. They just want to feel like they made the right desecion. They want games that they can hold and point to everyone who was spart enough to keep their money and say, "See! Look at it! I get it and you don't! Weee!" Then they'll masturbate onto the instruction booklet.
They went so far as to make an actual online petition over it.
While this is a laughable movement, some online petitions have actually helped bring steam to certain fan-movments, like bringing back "Family Guy" after Fox cancelled it. This is the current message of the petition;
"To: Capcom
We (The people that have signed this petition) feel very left out in your decision to make Devil May Cry 4 a Multi-Platform title, and hereby agree to boycott your sale of Capcom affiliated games. This is due to your decision to turn your back on your most faithful gaming company. For years we have enjoyed games, we have reaped the benefits of your committment to Sony. We find it absolutely demoralizing for not only the gamers, but also Sony itself. We want you to know that will not, and should not stand for your actions, and therefore withold our option of buying your product.
The Undersigned"
The petition currently has 11,875 signatures.
I was, at first, disheartened by this. I was saddened by the fact that so many people would whine and bitch this much over what, in reality, is a very good business decision. Then I looked at the signatures. You see, the great thing about the online petitions are the comments left by each person signing it. So, there were a few examples like this one, made by a young man named Adrian.
"I dont support this move, Capcom. Do not get greedy with money, the cash does not make you create kick but games. Kick but games are what matter and you do not need lots of money for that purpose. Start up companys will make great games becuase they are dedicated to makeing great games. Thank you, Adrian."
Due to my incredible abilities with Google, I managed to find a picture of this young man:

Moron. Serously. Yeah, great games take passion and creativity. But a massive Japanese game company that employs thousands of people takes cash. You know, to pay everyone making the game. The artists, programmers, directors, writers, all that. And they would like the game to sell a lot. You see, if it doesn't they don't get paid as much.
But, for every one drop in logic, there are ten examples of jackassery. Which in this case I fully endorse. Like this one,
"Everyone here likes cock, except me."
"Seriously They Should Pay for All Their Crimes Against the Black Communities"
Everyone who legitmately posted their signatures on this petition deserves to be poked, at random, with a stick, though not in a violent manner. Just, you know, a couple times a day, tapping their shoulder to see if they turn around, or poking it in their nose as they slept, or pooped. Fanboy morons. XBox, Sony or whoever, you all make zombie Jesus cry.